The Largest, Single Source Provider of

Unbonded Post-Tensioning System Components

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GTI Unbonded Post-Tensioning

Unbonded post-tensioning offers the benefits of rapid installation and using less reinforcing steel to achieve longer and thinner members with the same strength as other methods of construction. This enables greater design flexibility in buildings and residential structures.

Owners and builders can minimize life-cycle costs of a structure by benefitting from the added durability of GTI’s Zero Void® Systems. These encapsulation systems for unbonded post-tensioning provide significantly corrosion protection for the tendons. The systems are available in both 0.5” and 0.6” configurations and meet or exceed all ACI and PTI requirements.

Zero Void® System post-tensioning components and GTI field equipment work together resulting in efficiency during both installation and tendon finishing. Products available include, wedges, anchor castings, pocket formers, encapsulated anchorages and repair products.